December is the cold month, too bad we do not have snow in Houston, TX. I let the kids make the snowman craft by using screw, styrofoam, wire, beans and their imagination. I helped Evan to make the craft ( it is lots more prettier than Ethan's) and Ethan made his own and wrote his own name.
This craft is good to introduce the shape and number concept. I asked the kids what shape do we need for the snowman and they told me circle. Then I asked how many circles we need and Ethan told me 3 and Evan answered 3 after his brother. Ethan suggested to put screws for the eyes and I thought it was a good idea.
This is a good craft to introduce the kids about snow and the snowman. I found some good poem about the snowman too.
S is for snowman
Round and fat
Sitting outside wearing hat
I brought him inside,
And sat him on the mat
And before very long
The snowman was flat
---Author unknown