Rainbow is the easy topic to introduce to the kids, just that it is not easy to see a bridge of rainbow across the sky here in Houston. So, I just blow the bubbles under the sun and tell Evan that the color reflect from the sun to the bubbles is called rainbow.
I found some interesting activities online for this topic. From the makinglearningfun.com, I looked for the rainbow theme and download some worksheets and get some ideas.

Evan likes to do the finger painting, so, instead of cut and paste the color paper on the rainbow worksheet, I just let him having fun messing with the paint.

He used the number stickers that I prepared before and matched those numbers to the worksheet. He is good from 1 to 10 , but need some time in finding 11 to 20.
This week letter is R. I found an interesting idea from No Time For Flashcard site to the colorful letter R. Really thanks to those creative mom who has such a wonderful idea.
Another cool thing in learning rainbow is playing with the color by mixing the food coloring into the water. The boys have such a wonderful time in mixing and stirring and observing the color. They are just amazed to see how the color mix together to change into another color. After the mixing process, I let them use a brush to brush those color on a piece of bread to do the rainbow bread. Then, I toast it in the oven and let them eat the bread full of color.