Evan is not feeling well this week. His skin flares out quite a bit and I do not let him do much works for this week. Ethan still continue with his daily routine. This week, the boys learned more about boat.

I drew a boat and label the number on certain parts of the boat and let Evan colored it by numbers. He still cannot read the words but he recognized the color. He managed to color the boat according to the numbers.

Art project: Mosaic boat

I introduced the mosaic technique for the art and craft this week. I precut the color paper into small pieces and show them how to paste the small pieces of paper onto the paper to form the boat.

Ethan did not like to do the mosaic at first because it seemed like taking a lot of time.But after seeing his little brother did the art piece, he finally sat down and started finished the work。

We have a tangram set with the boat picture。 Evan matched the shapes well。

Our Science Experiment: How strong is the egg?

This experiment is to show the boys how strong is the egg shell is。 Before the experiment, I cracked two eggs and break them into halves and cleaned them。 I put four halves egg shelves on the table and asked the boys to guess how many books we can put on the egg shelves until they break。 They all think that two to three books will break the eggs but they were amazed to see it took about 27 books to finally break the egg shells。

They were putting more books on the egg shells。

Since they were having fun with the eggs。I let them did another experiment with it。 This time, I asked to hold the egg lengthwise ( on the pointy tip of the egg) and used all they might to break the egg and see how hard it was to break it。

Then, I asked them to hold the egg in the middle part and they broke the egg easily without any problem。 But of course,they felt yucky with those slimy egg white and egg yolk。

Ethan report: He drew me a pictures to show me where is the strong part of the egg。

Math:Number 2。
Evan had to find two of each items that I mentioned below 。

He then had to follow my direction to place those items around the house。 For example, I asked him to put the yellow book under the pink table and he did it without any problem。

Estimation: I put several items into four different bottle。 The boys had to estimate how many each of the items。