Ethan is learning how to measure things with ruler and learning about inches and feet this week.
He found some items around the house and measured them with ruler. He had to tell me which items is measure with inched or feet.

Another fun way to learn about measuring is asking them to measure with nonstandard measurement such as their feet. They have to walk a long line from one end of the wall to another end to measure how long is the house.

Math: Pattern and number 11
Evan is learning about pattern with the Lego. He had to arrange them in pattern with different color.

He had to find 11 blocks and 11 toy cars from the toy box. He learned counting one by one.

Halloween Craft: Colorful Spider
This is an easy craft. I learned that from local library where they put out this cute decoration in the story room. First, prepare the items such as pompom, glue, pipe cleaner and googly eyes.

You need four pipe cleaners and fold them in half, so that one side got four legs to make eight legs for the spider. Twisted and bend it and glue the pompom ( 2 for the two body part) at the middle of the pipe cleaner. Glue the googly eyes on top of the pompom,,, walah,, you got a colorful spider.


He wrote about this little monster with descriptive words. I asked him to find out the noun, adjectives and verbs from his own essay.