Making pine cone turkey. This is an easy art and craft for the small kids. Just go outside to collect some pine cones and prepared some colorful feathers, pompoms and googly eyes. Stick the feather on the pine cones. Glue the eyes on pom poms and stick on the front of the cones. You will have a pretty turkey to display around the house.

Footprint turkey.
This is another craft we did after the pine cone turkey. I put some paint on the boys foot and they had to make a footprint on a piece of white paper. The back of the foot will become turkey head and they cut out some feather shape paper to paste around it.

Ethan is working on his Homophones this week.
Still working on food pyramid. I am using the EvanMoore Pocket Book for Food Pyramid for his project. We read about this great book from library to get better understand about the food group.