Everyday, Ethan has to practice his multiplication table. He is good until Table 5. He has to do the multiplication the first thing in the morning.
We almost finish the Human Body project. Ethan learned about Food Pyramid and eating healthy food is important. He is doing his Pocketbook about Food Pyramid. He got the food pictures from the brochure or magazines to divide them into 5 food group.

Thanksgiving is coming. We read a lot of books about Thanksgiving and I decided let the boys made the Indian headband. This is an easy craft and they had fun doing it and playing with it.

They wanted to be a real Indian, so , I had to put a napkin around their waist area and cover their private part. Ethan drew some silly pattern on his face with the washable marker.

This is a good art project for them. It requires patience and skill. To my surprise, Ethan did his weaving all by himself and he was proud of it.
Making Mosaic:
I found this good art book from Half Price Bookstore. It is for 3+ kids and Evan can do the mosaic pictures by himself by peeling off the sticker according to the color and shapes.

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