I came across about this Workbox System from one of the homeschool mom blog (1+1+1=1 Blog) and I think it is a good idea to incorporate independence and efficiency in completing daily task everyday. I remodify a bit from the original workbox system idea and try not to spend too much money on it.

First, I went to the Dollar store to buy 10 clear boxes and put on the shelf given by my neighbor. Then, I labeled each one of them by using the baby food jar lids donated by my friend. I attached those lids on the boxes by using the Velcro tape. Once Ethan completes each worksheet or task on the box, he has to take the lid out until finishing box number ten.
10 boxes with different subjects or topics:
1. Math
9.Reading Comprehension/Library Book
10.Social Studies/Science
I have not start the system yet. Since Ethan still go to Kinder everyday, it is hard for me to expect him to finish 10 boxes of works after school. So far, I let him do Math, Spelling, Chinese and sometimes craft after he comes back from school. I like this system because it let me to be more control in deciding what to do in planning and organizing. He knows where to get his worksheets and completes in time.
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