We put aside the Dinosaur unit study this week. Since it is still during Chinese New Year, we did a dragon art this week. It is an easy art project..
A disposable cup. Cut into slit as show in picture for the mouth of the dragon. Put two black dot on each side of the cup for the eyes.
Cut a long strip of paper and decorated it as the dragon body. Cut a semicircle on the first part of the paper and paste it on the back of the cup.
Cut a small hole on the cup and slit a straw into it so that the kid can hold it as they are holding the dragon body.
Tape a stick ( we use the chopstick) on the dragon body so that the kid can hold it with another hand.

Evan is learning to write number 8. To my surprise, he can write it well. I taught him to write it as he is driving along the racing car track.

Learning number with stickers.
I wrote certain numbers on the papers. Evan put the stickers on each line according to the numbers written on the left side.

Natural is the best place to educate the kids. We like to walk around the condo area and enjoy the natural scene. We found there was a pile of white pebbles near the dumpster and on the other side of the pool. We decided to pick them up and put inside our aquarium. Before we do that, I let the boys observed the pebbles and compared them to the other rocks. Those pebbles are so smooth and white in color.
Estimation game:
I like to ask the boys some math questions whenever I got a chance. I asked them to estimate how many white pebbles in total. They both gave me some answers and started to count them all.
Ethan suggested to count them by tens.