First, I wrote a word 春, means spring, on a piece of red paper. Chinese New Year is the Spring Festival. Spring means all the life begins again and we are blessed to undergo the cold winter months. The boys have to cut along the words and paste it on the doors.

This week, I started back my Chinese lesson with the boys. It has being a long time they do not write the Chinese words and Eric is starting to complain about it.. I mean nagging to me. I used the 弟 子 规 as a basic learning tool. This is a GUIDE TO A HAPPY LIFE. Di Zi Gui, in English, means standards for being a good student and child. It is the guide to a happy life. For thousand of years, this book contained the recommended standards for students. Even though they seem stringent by today’s standards, it is apparent that the people of that time felt it was important that the child should be well-disciplined and taught moral principles and virtues when still very young. They felt that without strict discipline and moral standards, a child would amount to nothing. Not knowing what it meant to be dutiful to parents and respectful to teachers, a child would grow up not listening to or respecting anyone.

The boys have to recite the books one section each week. To my surprise, they memorized them well and even Evan can recite it without problem. Ethan has to write the words each day and this help him to learn new words and practice to write it.
I start to teach Evan reading. He is a bit slow but I am not rushing him. I let him learn by his pace. is a good website to learn reading. We start the at-word story and he had to trace the words from the story. I make one myself to reinforce his understanding.

We still on the dino unit study. Our wall is getting more dinos on it because each day they are learning one dino.

Ethan has to write a report about a particular dinosaur as show below.

Evan just do some worksheet relating to dino from the

We are doing some fossil experiments too. I got a bag of plaster and some sand from outdoor. The boys prepare the sand and put it inside the used milk carton. They put their foot inside to make a deep footprints. They stir the plaster with some water and pour it into the footprints. After one hour, it dried up. They then took the dried footprint out and brush it. This is what a paleontologist did once they discovered a new fossil.

Evan is learning to trace.

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