Friday, September 18, 2009

Letter of the week --Dd

This week, I started using the Progressive Phonic material to teach Evan more in phonic. The first book is about the dog and it happens that this week I am going to introduce him the letter Dd.

We check out several books from the library all about dogs. These are just a few we read.

These are some of the worksheets Evan being working on. He learned about the square shape.
As usual, he did some tracing, connect the dots and making the Ds words book.

Walking the dog trail. I wrote the dog and dod words on several papers and lay down on the floor. Evan has to follow the trail with the dog word on it. This help him to memorize the dog word.

These are some of the bottle caps that I collected for math purposes. I put all the caps on the floor and let the boys sort them out according to the colors and sizes.
We played estimation games and let the boys guess how many of the bottle caps on the floor and see who got the close guess.

They sorted the bottle caps by color and compared which one is the most. Evan will tell me which one is more and which one is less.

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